Coincidences are amusing, aren’t they?

As I was deep in thoughts of you, it struck me; I’m never getting over you, am I? There will always be a part of my heart that’ll still beat for you, a part of my mind that’ll still long for you. I may move on with my life, or even find someone else who is ‘the one’ for me, but this unexplainable feeling that I have for you, a teeny, tiny part is going to stay with me, maybe forever? 

It’s quite amusing, isn’t it? That you go on with you life without having that one person be a part of it, but when you finally meet them, there’s no going back! You can never forget someone who meant so much to you. Some may believe in fate and destiny, that two people were meant to cross each other’s path. But isn’t it all about coincidences? How you could have avoided going to that one party, or that one class, or that one conversation or even minor things like accepting a friend request! Do we even realise that the smallest of the decisions we make have the power to completely change the course of our life; for better or for worse?

Someone unknowingly enters your life and turns up having such a huge impact on it thereafter.And when I say this, I’m not talking about the trivial and meaningless relationships that we have, it’s about the heart to heart connections that we develop with some people.

I truly believe, whatever course life may take, these connections never break; they may fade, they may face tribulations or the strings of such a bond may stretch far away, but, it’ll always be there. It’ll stay, either as a sweet and distant memory, or a painful one acting as a constant reminder of the loss.

Never give in yourself to the notion that you have no impact on someone’s life, you may never know, you could be the one who causes such pain to someone else. A person you chose to leave could be holding on to you as a memory while you go on happily with your life; though it might not be your fault. Nevertheless, never underestimate the impact you might be having on someone’s life. 

5 Comments Add yours

  1. Very poignant. I understand the emotion being conveyed you expressed it very well!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks a lot! 😊


  2. Indian? Do you have an instagram or facebook account where you post your writings too? I don’t know why but I could hauntingly connect to your writings. There are so few!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I do have an Instagram account. It’s @basicallyiwrite , the link is there on the home page of my website.


  3. srondhela says:

    I’d like to find a reason to believe in coincidences. Or be one.


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