Bereft Soul

When you look at her, It isn’t what’s on the outside, That holds you captive; It’s the story behind her eyes, The story that she won’t ever tell. Her smile is a phantasm, It’ll delude you; Her touch is a bliss, That’ll rob you of your senses. But, when she lets you in, Her bereft…


It’s midnight; She looks out from her window, unnerving, The overwhelming darkness completely captures her, She’s not amongst the ones who get intimidated by darkness, Rather, it resonates with her soul. The eerie silence is what she craves for, She stays still, Still as the leaves when the winds mourn, Minutes and hours creep by,…

Love, love is a verb

“Love, love is a verb; Love is a doing word.” – Teardrop (Massive Attack) Love isn’t just a feeling; it’s an action, it’s depicted by what you do. If you love someone then in reality, mere emotions do not suffice. Your actions must be insurmountable. You must do all that it takes to make the…